Master New Jersey Gun Laws 2024 – Fire Up Your Firearms Safety Game!

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How does New Jersey categorize an ‘assault firearm’?

Any semi-automatic rifle

Firearms with specific military-style features

New Jersey categorizes an ‘assault firearm’ specifically based on firearms that possess certain military-style features. This definition includes criteria such as the presence of a detachable magazine, a pistol grip, a folding or telescoping stock, and other attributes that give the firearm characteristics associated with military weapons. The state's focus on these design features aims to regulate firearms that are considered more dangerous due to their capacity for rapid fire and adaptability for military use. While semi-automatic rifles are mentioned, not all semi-automatic rifles are classified as assault firearms under New Jersey law; only those with specific features. High-capacity magazines are also regulated, but not all handguns with such magazines qualify as assault firearms unless they meet the additional criteria set forth by the law. Thus, the categorization is specific to the features defined in state regulations rather than a broader interpretation.

All handguns with a high-capacity magazine

All of the above


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